ILO Uluslararası Eğitim Merkezi 2017 ikinci yarıyıl programı belli oldu…

ILO Uluslararası Eğitim Merkezi 2017 ikinci yarıyıl programı belli oldu…

2017-07-31 11:06:49
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ILO Uluslararası Eğitim Merkezi

2017 ikinci yarıyıl programı belli oldu…





*  Programa tarımsal kooperatifleri ilgilendiren önemli bir kurs da eklenmiş: My.COOP


Uluslararası Çalışma Örgütü ILO’nun İtalya’nın Torino kentinde bulunan Uluslararası Eğitim Merkezi’nin Eylül –Aralık 2017 dönemi programı belli oldu.


Programda şu kurslar yer alıyor:


  1. Tedarik Zinciri/Pazarlama Kanalları gelişimi
  2. Uluslararası Çalışma Standartları (sendikalar ve işveren kuruluşları için)
  3. My.COOP – Tarımsal Kooperatiflerin Yönetimi
  4. Gençlerin İstihdamı
  5. Özel sektör gelişimi
  6. Yeniden kazanım sektöründe Yeşil İstihdam
  7. İşetmeler ve KOBİ’ler için politika ve uygulamalar
  8. Kırsal kalkınma akademisi
  9. Kadın Girişimciliğinin geliştirilmesi
  10.  Dünya mirasının korunması (UNESCO ile birlikte)


Bu kurslar arasında özellikle tarımsal kooperatiflerin yönetimi konusundaki 3 numaralı kurs kooperatifçiler açısından çok önemli. ILO tarafından geliştirilen ve My.COOP adı altında toplanan tarımsal kooperatiflerin yönetimi konulu çeşitli eğitim modüllerinden oluşan eğitim setinin eğiticiler tarafından nasıl kullanılacağının bilinmesi bakımından bu kurs çok önemli bir fırsat. Türkiye’den Tarım Kredi kooperatifleri, Pancar Ekicileri Kooperatifleri,  Ormancılık Kooperatifleri, Su Ürünleri Kooperatifleri ve Köy Kalkınma Kooperatiflerinden eğiticilerin katılabileceği bu kurs, 2 Ekim – 8 Aralık 2017 tarihleri arasında düzenlenecek. Bu kursa, ilgili Bakanlıklardan da katılım sağlanabilirse, tarımsal kooperatiflerle ilgili eğiticilerin eğitimi konusunda ortak bir anlayış geliştirilebilecek. Kurs, İngilizce olarak verilecek. Toplu katılımlarda İngilizce-Türkçe tercüman bulundurulması halinde İngilizce bilmeyen eğiticilerin de katılması mümkün olacak. Bu düzenleme konusunda Milli Birlik ILO ile temas kurarak yardımcı olmaya çalışacak.


Kurslarla ilgili ayrıntılı bilgiye aşağıda yer verilmiş olup, ilgi duyanlar ve katılmak isteyenler ya da bu kurslardan herhangi birine kursiyer göndermek isteyen birliklerimiz, Milli Birlik ile temasa geçerek katılım konusunda ek bilgi edinebilirler.






International Training Center of the ILO




Value-chain development: Moving from analysis to action



Improving the performance of the value chain and achieving pro-poor outcomes means looking at the entire market system, and designing and implementing interventions that address the core constraints that affect this system. Building on the ILO’s experience in Value Chain Development, this course teaches practical skills for the design and implementation of VCD initiatives.

Read more.

When: 4 September - 8 September 2017

Location: Turin, Italy

Language: English






















International labour standards and corporate social responsibility: Understanding workers' rights in the framework of due diligence


This course is designed for CSR professionals (in companies, consulting firms or CSR initiatives) seeking to align operations, including supply chains, with ILS principles. Drawing on the experience of the ILO Helpdesk for Business, this course will provide participants with opportunities to discuss and debate some of the complex issues companies face when putting principles into practice.

Read more.

When:11 September - 15 September 2017

Location: Turin, Italy

Language: English

























My.COOP is a training package and programme on the management of agricultural cooperatives. The on-line Training of Trainers programme allows cooperative experts to acquire the necessary competencies to design and deliver an interactive and participatory face-to-face training using the My.COOP training modules.

Read more.

When:2 October - 8 December 2017

Location: Turin, Italy

Language: English






















Promotion of youth employment in fragile settings


The training provides participants with a range of integrated approaches, tools and methodologies used in real-life cases to promote employment and decent work for youth in situations of conflict and disaster. The new ILO standard on "Employment and decent work for peace and resilience" and the ILO's Flagship programme on "Jobs for peace and resilience" will be at the core of the course.

Read more.

When:2 October - 6 October 2017

Location: Turin, Italy

Language: English























Private sector development in fragile and conflict-affected settings


This course aims to enable participants to design, implement and monitor effective and conflict-sensitive PSD interventions in situations affected by conflict or fragility. The course content was developed under the auspices of the DCED and will help participants understand the relationship between PSD and peace-building.

Read more.

When:16 October - 20 October 2017

Location: Turin, Italy

Language: English






















Opportunities for green jobs in the waste sector



The prevention, reuse, recycling and recovery of waste can create considerable social, economic and environmental opportunities for many countries. This course focuses on the potential for decent work promotion and green business development across the waste hierarchy, with a focus on waste collection, sorting and recycling.

Read more.

When:13 November - 17 November 2017

Location: Turin, Italy

Language: English




















Policies and practises for enterprise formalisation and small enterprise development



This course analyses the constraints to the formalisation of informal enterprises and presents strategies to address these challenges through an integrated policy framework. Participants will review practical tools (for training, sensitization, policy review…) and interventions that assist in designing enterprise formalisation strategies.

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When:23 October - 27 October 2017

Location: Turin, Italy

Language: English









Academy on rural development



This Academy provides an opportunity to be exposed to a range of integrated approaches, tools and training packages with the objective to promote decent work in the rural economy. The Academy offers an opportunity for mutual learning between countries with a view to formulate high-level strategic initiatives and policies that integrate the promotion of decent work in rural development.

Read more.

When:27 November - 8 December 2017

Location: Turin, Italy

Language: English, French, Spanish










Women’s entrepreneurship development



This course provides policy-makers and development practitioners with guidance on the design and implementation of strategies to promote women's entrepreneurship. Participants will become acquainted with tools for improving the enabling environment, building the capacity of women entrepreneurs' associations and integrating gender equality into value-chain development. 

Read more.

When:11 December - 15 December 2017

Location: Turin, Italy

Language: English












Master’s in World Heritage



This Master’s programme, offered in collaboration with UNESCO, provides a solid foundation on cultural economics s and imparts the necessary competencies and skills for the elaboration implementation of economically sound projects, designed around a wide spectrum of cultural activities in the fields of natural and cultural heritage, cultural and creative industries, and tourism.


Read more.




International Training Center
of the ILO